Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen
Chancellor’s Professor
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (4143 Etcheverry Hall)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (416 McLaughlin Hall)
Environmental Science and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua-Berkeley Institute
University of California, Berkeley
Competition Announcement:
The 2020 MSOM Data Driven Research Challenge
JD.com and the MSOM society are partnering to offer MSOM members access to JD.com Transaction level data to encourage them to conduct data driven research.
In this competition, researchers will compete by building econometric models or data driven models using real data either to address some of the suggested questions below, or address questions of their own interest.
For more details about the data, please read this paper.
IEOR 153: Logistics Network Design and Supply Chain Management
IEOR 253 / CE 258: Supply Chain Design and Management
Integrated Supply Chain Design and Management
Data Driven Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization
Design and Analysis of Optimization Algorithms
Energy Systems Optimization
Transportation System Planning
Selected Projects
- Projects funded by National Science Foundation.
- China National Petroleum Corporation 2018 Franz Edelman Finalist Award
- AI for Earth Microsoft Azure Compute Grant for the project:Vulcano: Understanding global wildfire through AIVulcano: Understanding global wildfire through AI
Professional Activities and Awards
Associate editor for Operations Research
Associate editor for Management Science
Associate editor for MSOM
Associate editor for Naval Research Logistics
Associate editor for IIE Transactions
Associate editor for Journal Omega
Associate editor for Decision Sciences
Department editor for Production and Operations Management
Department editor for Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Editorial Board, International Journal of Inventory Research
Editorial Advisory Board, Computers & Operations Research
CAREER Award from NSF (2003)
The Franz Edelman Finalist Award (2018)
INFORMS Fellow (2018)
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory, co-authored with Larry Snyder, was published by Wiley in August, 2011.
Integrated Modeling for Location Analysis, co-authored with Ho-Yin Mak, Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/0200000037
Handbook of Supply Chain Analysis in the E-Business Era (Springer)
Ph.D Students
- Gang Chen (2003, Barclays Capital, New York).
- Leon Chu (2005, Associate Professor, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California).
- Lian Qi (2006, Associate Professor, Department of Supply Chain Management & Marketing Science, Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University).
- Lezhou Zhan (2007, Vice President, Operations Research at CitationAir).
- Ho-Yin Mak (2009, Associate Professor, Said Business School, University of Oxford)
- Tingting Cui (2010, Google Inc.)
- Shan Li (2010, Assistant Professor, School of Business, City University of New York)
- Will Haskell (2011, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, National University of Singapore)
- Gemma Berenguer (2012, Assistant Professor, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University)
- Vivek Ramamurthy (2012, Data Scientist, EMC Greenplum)
- Ye Xu (2012, Amazon)
- Yong Liang (2013, Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University)
- Yifen Chen (2013, Data scientist at Facebook)
- Tianhu Deng (2013, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University)
- Mengshi Lv (2014, Assistant Professor, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University)
- Te Ke (2015, Assistant Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management)
- Long He (2015, Assistant Professor, the Business School, National University of Singapore)
- Wei Qi (2016, Assistant Professor, the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University)
- Amber Richter (2016, Google)
- Vivian Zhao (2017, Lyft)
- Yanqiao Wang (2018, Lyft)
- Auyon Siddiq (2018, Assistant Professor, Anderson School of Business, UCLA)
- Sheng Liu (2019, accepted an offer to join Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, as an Assistant Professor)
- Ying Cao (2019, Amazon)
- Andy Mao (2019, Facebook)
- Junyu Cao, expected graduation date: 2020
- Leon Chu (2004-2005, Associate Professor, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California).
- Ying Rong (2008-2009, Assistant Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University)
- HyunJung Kim (2013-2014, Assistant Professor, SungKyunKwan University, Korea)
- Jiayi Joey Yu (2019-2020, PhD from Tsinghua University)